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About DDO Chain

  • What is a DDO Chain?

    DDO Chain is the first WEB3.0 eco-value exchange smart public chain that allows decentralized applications and smart contracts to be built on its mainnet, allows for the scalability of transactions, and is capable of verifying up to 100,000 transactions per second.

  • What are the main tasks of DDO Chain?

    Provide a batch of the best machine learning models on-chain, and users can infer using smart contracts on the DDO Chain chain. Finally promote the landing of WEB3.0.

  • What are DDO Chain's AI DApps?

    DDO Chain brings artificial intelligence capabilities to smart contracts, making the following applications possible:

    1. Information services: personalized recommendation system, search engine, news writing service, etc.
    2. Finance: credit information, intelligent investment.
    3. Artificial intelligence assistant: automatic question and answer, industry knowledge graph, speech synthesis, face attribute prediction.
    4. Analog environment: automatic driving, Go and other reinforcement learning related applications.
  • What problem does DDO Chain solve?

    It breaks the barrier between the blockchain system and artificial intelligence, and introduces the classification, prediction, and generation of AI models for the blockchain system. Unprecedented functionality. Greater breakthroughs have brought more challenges, in order to cope with the burden of artificial intelligence applications in the blockchain system in computing, storage, network and other aspects, DDO Chain proposed a series of solutions:

    • The MRT model transformation technology is realized, and the traditional AI model is fixed point.
    • DDO Chain virtual machine (CVM) is proposed to implement on-chain AI inference calculation;
    • TorrentFS P2P file storage system was introduced to solve the problem of AI model and data storage.
  • Why should we decentralize?

    Decentralization is essential to make services more democratic, honest and resistant to censorship.

  • Why should I use DDO Chain to deploy my dApp?

    The fastest EVM/eBPF hybrid Chain for the DDO Chain platform, including special services such as distributed data storage and decentralized cloud computing, which DApps can use to optimize their performance. The DDO Chain system itself is a much more secure and scalable system than most existing solutions, making it an excellent platform for DApp deployment.


  • How do I join the DDO Chain community?

    Below is a list of our social media where you can join us and become part of our community: Telegram, Youtube, Twitter.

  • Where can I learn more about DDO Chain?

    You can learn more by reading our Medium articles and white papers.

  • How can I help with this project?

    You can contribute in any way you want: find errors in your wallet, make suggestions to improve system security, become a member of a distributed file service (rent out your memories), find security vulnerabilities, and contribute to community development. If you have any suggestions about your contribution, we would appreciate it, please contact us by email or contact our community channel manager.