Core ecology

Applications and services

DDO Chain Ecology

Everything you need to run your business

DDO Chain intelligent public chain provides developers with full-stack development experience, which is conducive to developers to develop more applications and services, including digital asset trading, stablecoin ecology, DApp ecology, WEB3.0 ecology and so on. The DDO Chain smart public Chain integrates an industry-standard EVM and uses a scalable smart contract and low-carbon consensus algorithm.

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Digital Options Service Center

Core ecology One

Digital options evaluation center, digital options transfer service, digital options transfer after sale.


Fast trade execution


Diversified investment products

Stablecoin operations Center

Core ecology Two

Stablecoins and banks signed issuance, stablecoins global merchant application, stablecoins volume expansion, stablecoins commercial expansion, stablecoins integration with legal currency.


Price stability


Digital transaction convenience

AI Application Ecology Center

Core Ecology Three

Build Dapps and protocols that utilize decentralized time series data, including AI+WEB3.0 industry applications, supporting cooperation funds and incubators, AI industry combined with DDO application landing, more traditional financial business expansion, NFT auction, GameFi board and other ecological applications.


Integration of AI+Web3.0 technologies


Ecological diversification









Digital Options DDO

Token introduction

DDO is the only token of DDO Chain WEB3.0 ecological value exchange intelligent public chain. The full name of the token is DDO Chain Option, and the short name of the token is DDO. The total number of issued tokens is 65 billion and will never be issued again. DDO will go live on the BHE exchange and start trading.

  • Token allocation
    • Asset anchoring and asset shifting: 54 billion
    • Mining machine mining minerals: 6 billion
    • Conditional incentive release: 5 billion